
- Date Adopted: November 26, 2023
**UPDATE – Dandy has been adopted! He travelled to Canada on our MJET Freedom Flight on November 26th and has found a new home thanks to the generosity of our amazing friends here at MJet Barbados and our wonderful rescue partners in Canada.
Dandy was found in a very poor state one evening, on the street in early August 2023. He was thought to be dead, but then he moved his head. He was completely infested with ticks. He was rushed to emergency hospital, put on a drip and later given a blood transfusion. We are delighted that he made a full recovery and was sent home to us at Ocean Acres. He is a happy easy going boy who gets along with everyone. He walks nicely on a lead and travels well in the car. He’s a calm quiet dog although he does enjoy a stroll and a run around the paddock. We don’t know if he has ever lived in a house, we presume not, but we don’t think it would take long for Dandy to work out how to operate the sofa!
At time of writing (20 Aug 2023) Dandy is not yet neutered. Appointment will be made soon.
Dandy is approximately 28lbs.