
  • Date Adopted: November 26, 2023
More About Gage

**UPDATE – Gage has been adopted! He travelled to Canada on our MJET Freedom Flight on November 26th and has found a new home thanks to the generosity of our amazing friends here at MJet Barbados and our wonderful rescue partners in Canada.

Gage was surrendered from a home in May 2023.  The owners were elderly and had to move home, they could no longer look after Gage.

Gage is a super little guy, causes no trouble and has lived in a home with several cats.  He’s easy going and deserves a loving home.  Gage is affectionate, likes people, children and other dogs.  He would be a very easy dog to care for.

At time of writing Gage is not neutered (16 Jul 2023)

Gage is approximately 15lbs