
  • Date Adopted: December 16, 2021
More About Manchester

Manchester is a typical JRT; she’s intelligent, active and fun loving.  She gets on great with other dogs, large and small and has lived as part of a family for a long time, with 2 other Jack Russell’s (Arsenal and Everton) and a Rottweiler (Sheera).  She likes people and would make a lovely family pet.  Her humans left the country in September 2021, so sadly Manchester and the other dogs she lived with were left homeless.

These little dogs are fine with a spacious home and garden and also with a smaller residence, so long as they get the exercise and entertainment they enjoy so much.  Manchester has a funny habit of spinning in circles when she is excited, she probably will continue to do this.

This little team of dogs have settled into Ocean Acres but they would much rather return to the family life they once knew.  Of course it would be nice if they could stay together, but they could be adopted separately.

Manny is approximately 15 lbs.


Off to Canada to join Everton and soon Arsenal will join as well!  Happy life to you Manchester.  Enjoy being a Canadian!