
- Date Adopted: November 23, 2022
This lovely boy is Norman – given his name because he appeared at the Norman Niles round about – many people saw him but he wouldn’t come near anyone – seen in July 2022. He had a big gash on his head and a severely injured leg, but no one could catch him. This went on for awhile – until September. One of our volunteers started feeding him, got a trap from us, got the help of someone else and camped out until they got him. She caught him, brought him to the vet, gave him some time to see if his dislocated leg would mend, but it became clear over time that it would not heal and needed to be amputated. He is now not shy at all. From the moment he was caught he stopped being shy! He’s loving, cuddly, smiley and happy and just LOVES to be close to you.
Lucky Norman is now in Canada and living a great life.