
  • Age (approx)
  • 4 Years
  • Size
  • Medium
  • Sex
  • Male
  • Breed
  • Mixed
  • Good With Children
  • Yes
  • Good With Dogs
  • Yes
  • Good With Cats
  • Untested
  • Neutered
  • Yes
More About Santino

Santino is very bonded with Indina, they were rescued together. They have been together for a long time now and our goal is to find them a home together.  They live happily at Ocean Acres, they are undemanding and easy to manage together.  We tried them with other dogs, Santino was not keen.  We think their easiest transition to a new life would be together.

They were skeletal and flea/tick infested when we first met them, Santino needed a blood transfusion.  They are chunky monkeys now, who very much enjoy their food – in fact they are on a diet!

They love visitors and volunteers, and are happy and excited to see people.  They show no signs of aggressive behavior, just big smiles.  They are quite hefty so care would need to be taken with small children as they could knock them over.  They walk nicely on a lead.  We don’t think they could be trusted with cats, they show a lot of interest in the loose cats outside the exercise paddock.

Santino is approximately 45lbs