
- Date Adopted: November 26, 2023
**UPDATE – Shiyah has been adopted! She travelled to Canada on our MJET Freedom Flight on November 26th and has found a new home thanks to the generosity of our amazing friends here at MJet Barbados and our wonderful rescue partners in Canada.
Shiyah is one of Savanah’s puppies. Poor Savanah gave birth to a large litter underneath someone’s house, in place that was known to flood, and bad weather was forecast. We had to get her and her babies out of there. At the time Savanah was not used to being handled by people, only to abuse and to people throwing stones at her, to shoo her away. The rescue was not easy. Savanah was especially anxious about her babies and a human coming to grab her and them, she didn’t know we were saving her whole family. The mission was successful and Savanah and her 10 babies were taken to safety.
If you would like to see a video of the rescue of Savanah and her pups, click here to see the Instagram post we did: Savanah rescue
Sadly not all the puppies survived. Being born in to a malnourished mother is a state of stress in not the best start. But we have 6 beautiful survivors – including mum of course.
All of these youngsters have wonderful temperaments. They are confident and well adjusted. They still have puppy tendencies and still enjoy toys, games and run arounds. They play fight with each other and generally have a ball. It’s not long before the excitement dies down and sleep takes over. They have been together all of their lives, so as with any pup, when it leaves it’s siblings for the first time, reassurance and comfort is required. That comfort can come from a human family and/or other pets. They are exposed to cats and do not show any negative reactions (they do not live with cats). There is no reason why these pups could not be suitable for first time dog owners. Once the owners have researched and have support about how to bring up a young pup/dog. These pups are a lovely blank canvas ready to join a family and grow with them. They have smiles and wagging tails for everyone, bursting with the joys of life and being alive. Yes, they will need some guidance, but it is very achievable and training is always recommended.
Shiyah is approximately 16lbs
We guess that when grown she will be between 18-24lbs
Savannah, the mother, is approximately 24lbs and quite a small dog.