
  • Date Adopted: November 26, 2023
More About Janet

**UPDATE – Janet has been adopted! She travelled to Canada on our MJET Freedom Flight on November 26th and has found a new home thanks to the generosity of our amazing friends here at MJet Barbados and our wonderful rescue partners in Canada.

Janet was found roaming, her rescuer was not allowed to keep pets in her apartment so begged us to take in little Janet.  Which of course we did.

Janet is a sweet girl.  Her photos don’t do her justice, she looks a bit sad in some of the pictures, but she’s actually quite playful and has a happy, waggy tail.  She likes people, she’s not shy and interacts well with other dogs and cats.  We don’t know how she came to be lost and alone, but we know that she deserves a whole lot better.

Janet is approximately 13lbs