Calling all artists for our art auction fundraiser. Help reduce the overpopulation of unwanted dogs and cats, help stop animal cruelty and neglect. Please support The Barbados Spay and Neuter Project.
Art Auction Fundraiser
We are holding an Online Art Auction and a Curated LIVE Art Auction ‘The Landscape of Barbados’ at the prestigious Sugar Hill Resort in St. James on the West Coast of Barbados. Sugar Hill Resort have kindly offered to host this event to raise funds to finance the Ocean Acres Spay and Neuter Project. Funds raised will assist low-income pet owners in free and/or discounted spay neuter services, help to purchase the necessary equipment, stock and supplies, and for other veterinary services.
Artists – We need you!
We are reaching out to you to see if you would kindly support this worthy cause, by providing up to 2 pieces of art and donating 50% of the sale price to Ocean Acres – to both or either event.
Requirements from Artists
- Original Works of Art
- Paintings on canvas are the preferred medium – maximum size: 24 X 36 Inches
- Other artwork accepted – maximum size 24 X 36 Inches
- Artwork to be delivered to Sugar Hill Resorts – St. James for LIVE Auction
- Artwork to be delivered to 3 Bamboo Ridge, St. James for Online Auction
When & Where
Online Auction: will take place in August 2022, a date will be shared soon.
Curated Live Auction: will take place in December 2022 at Sugar Hill Resorts St. James.
Deadlines to Submit Artwork
Online Auction: July 1st 2022
Curated Live Auction: November 1st 2022
Why should you help?
You’ll be helping the dogs and cats of Barbados! Overpopulation is at crisis level, hundreds of stray, abandoned and unwanted puppies and kittens are born everyday, this leads to neglect and cruelty. As many as we save, more litters arrive the next day. The only solution to this despairing problem is Spay and Neuter!
We really hope you’ll participate, you’ll meet fellow artists and buyers and raise your arts profile, as well as supporting a much-needed service for animals in Barbados.
The events will be promoted across multiple media platforms, with a bio and a picture of your artwork.
How to Apply
Please complete this fully encrypted online form to submit your artwork.
For More Info.
Please contact: Sue Gilkes – Tel # or What’s App +1 (246) 834 8804 or email: oaartfundraiser@gmail.com.
This is why we need your help!
WARNING: The following images are graphic in nature and might be disturbing to some viewers. Sadly, this is just a small selection of the heartbreaking reality of what we, and the other animal shelters, see everyday!
The Spay and Neuter Project, Barbados
Please click the button below to find our more about who we are and why spay and neuter is a crucial program to changing the lives of dogs and cats in Barbados.