Here is a collection of videos preparing for The Freedom Flight, a prewarning, tissues at the ready! A wonderful yet very emotional send-off, happy/sad tears filled the day. It was a difficult time for those saying goodbye to dear and cherished friends. The close bond and connection between these amazing animals is indescribable. Knowing their sad history of abuse and neglect – most starved, chained, tied, confined to tiny boxes, no kindness, no human interaction their whole existence. Helping them grow and develop, learn to trust, love, play, watching the light return to their eyes, it was a magical experience and we’re very proud and honored to be part of.
It was a bittersweet moment for all involved, yet knowing they’re heading to the best life ever, happy lives, filled with love, affection and forever family, this made all the hard work and heartache so very worth it. They’ll be dearly missed but never ever forgotten. We’re eagerly watching and waiting for the updates of our beautiful dogs and cats in Canada, living the amazing life they so truly deserve.
We now have the shelter space to help more animals that desperately need us. Sadly the animal welfare situation in Barbados is utterly grim, all the sanctuaries will be full again in under a month. We won’t stop or ever give up. We campaign for positive change – this is what Ocean Acres is all about.
The Freedom Flight
Check back on our website for the full journey of The Barbados Ruffugee Project. More stories, pictures, videos and happy successful adoptions to follow soon!