Wyndhams – Sponsors Pinto

The Freedom Flight Crisis Appeal
Wyndhams Coffee Barbados

Wyndhams supports Ocean Acres Animal Sanctuary by sponsoring Pinto for The Barbados Ruffugee Project. Sponsorship guarantees his place on a private charter from Barbados to Canada for 200 rescue dogs. The biggest Freedom Flight in the history of the Caribbean.

Wyndhams – Bajan Coffee Roasters

An award winning coffee roasting company in Barbados, using only the highest Specialty Grade coffees from all over the world. Our distinctive style and ethos is in creating custom blends highlighting our island home and interesting Single Origins that showcase the best of what each coffee has to offer.

Wyndhams is comprised of a wife and husband team, roasting coffee in Barbados since 2014. Suppliers to Barbados’ premium hotels, restaurants, cafes, offices and homes with specialty grade coffees, teas, sauces, powders and syrups. We are also exclusive distributors for a wide range of coffee equipment to suit any setting. All of our coffees are available online at www.wyndhams.bb or give us a call at (246) 538-1000.  We roast fresh to order and ship worldwide.

Wyndhams Coffee Barbados

Contact: Wyndhams

RF Humphrey Building, Christ Church, Barbados, BB14030
Email: info@wyndhams.bb
Tel: +1 (246) 538 1000
Fax: +1 (246) 538 3001
Retail: www.wyndhams.bb
Wholesale: www.wyndhams.coffee

Cane Dog Coffee

Cane Dog Coffee

Wyndhams Cane Dog Coffee supports Barbados rescue dogs. A quality espresso blend: chocolate, nutty, dark and roasty. 10% of Cane Dog sales donated to Ocean Acres Animal Sanctuary.

About Pinto

Pinto didn’t have the best start in life, found as an emaciated stray, riddled with ticks and fleas. Since then he’s come a long way, blossoming into a handsome, healthy, happy dog. Thanks to Wyndhams generous sponsorship, he’s secured his flight to Canada to be adopted into a loving forever home. Lucky Pinto, dreams do come true!

Crisis Appeal

During these challenging times of COVID-19, animal shelters are struggling to cope with the increase in unwanted pets. The Ruffugee Project, The Freedom Flight: Ocean Acres working in partnership with Eastern Ontario Potcake Rescue (EOPR), flying 200 dogs from Barbados to Canada.